Glenburnie United Church

since 1857

Donating by e-Transfer: A Guide

Thank you for donating to Glenburnie United Church by e-transfer. GUC has Autodeposit set up, so there is no need to create a security question.

The steps vary from bank to bank, so we have provided links to instructions provided by each of the major banks.

  1. Sign in to your online banking.
  2. Enable Interac e-transfers via the "Autodeposit" method. This ensures that e-transfers can be sent using Glenburnie's email address:
  3. You can include your church envelope number (note that "#" and other symbols are not accepted).
  4. You can type a very short message that will allow you to specify where you would like GUC to direct your donation, for example "General purposes" or "Benevolence Fund."
  5. Here are the links to the instructions provided by each of the major banks.
    • BMO:
      • Scroll down until you see How are you sending money?
    • CIBC
    • RBC
    • ScotiaBank:
      • Scroll down until you see Account Details.
      • Under Account Details find Sending Funds.
      • Below Sending Funds click Details. A popup window opens and displays intructions.
    • TD Canada Trust
  6. You will receive an email confirmation of your deposit to the GUC bank account.

Glenburnie United Church will log and retain copies of the emails and forward information to our bookkeeper.

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